Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Don't Publsh This Post

Don't Publsh This Post.  Don't Publsh This Post.  Don't Publsh This Post. Awwww, here goes!!

Staying at yet another place in the world, this time in the Southern Hemisphere.  So it is late Spring.  As opposed to the late Autumn I have been experiencing in the UK.

What's that regular noise, I ask.  "Oh that is the frog that moved into the library a few months ago."

Whenever there is a ray of light, this frog every 23 or 30 seconds lets out a little croak.  Hello!!  I am sexy!! Come meet me and mate. I'll be a good provider!!  Or whatever it is frogs say to each other.

It is now four days for me, and really the pathos is horrible.  I want to take this little frog and talk to him / her and say, "could you please just leave the library, could you please go outside and enjoy the open air and meet your mate. You are not going to meet any mate in here".

What are the odds another frog will venture into the library in this huge house?  What to do?  Move it outside.  But I cannot find it.  And then I realise I am probably losing my mind.

Then I know I am losing my mind because I start to think maybe this frog is just doing an Occupy Library; imitating humans.  Sick of you stuffing our environment, so I am coming in to Occupy yours, you elite!!  Okay, now I have totally lost it.

But his / her day is extended because the lights are on in the evening.  And it starts at 4.30am, first glorious nearly summer light.

That is, about 20 hours per day for the last three months each and every day. 

And I think investment bankers have it tough.  Good luck buddy.

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