Tuesday 29 January 2019

Over to you UN: West Papua update plus ANOTHER update

This topic has been such a common thread in this blog for years.

Now there is more news.  It appears, on its face, that some momentum may be building.

How many people must be murdered before the UN steps in amongst a genocide.

As this article quotes:

"A 2004 report from Yale Law School said the Indonesian government had "acted with necessary intent to … perpetrate genocide against the people of West Papua""

Come on UN, step up and carry out your obligations to the people of West Papua.

Or you should be disbanded, and all the tax free earnings of your tens of thousands of employees used for the correct purpose.

If you are new to this topic, the article is a great backgrounder.

Without the blood and gore that has been spilt.

Indonesia of course, says that West Papua is part of Indonesia and always has been.  They don't even look like each other, let alone have cultural similarities or speak the same language(s).  Its an island for goodness sake.

Free West Papua.

Same day:  and another UPDATE (maybe the UN read this blog?)

UN has been granted access to West Papua by Indonesia

The UN moves..........